Wednesday, February 6, 2008

The sun in my universe

I feel like I just woke up but I'm tired. Let's get some coffee. I know a great place. And you can tell me all about yourself, and I can tell you all about me. And we can even share a bagel, but I only like cream cheese. Unless you'd rather walk along the beach. We can play in the salt water if you want. Let's just go, I'll race ya. Tell me a joke, I love a good laugh. But if you need to cry I'm good for that too. But I feel like dancing, you wear this shirt! It looks better on you than me. I like my jeans best...For the last time, no we are not watching that scary movie. But do you want to stay up all night with me? Because I don't want to just lie awake again for hours thinking about the same thing over again. Got any great stories? The morning sun wakes and your still sleeping. Breakfast? Or we can skip it and just take a shower. No? No shower, how about a walk.

This is the part of life that seems to matter most, and when and only if we trust those around us do we share these vital things that make us who we are. Who I am today is only slightly different from who I was a year ago and who I am becoming. So share with me your thoughts and feelings. I want to know.

Have a goodnight,
I love you.

Monday, October 1, 2007


Here's to those pushing on the narrow walls of the world we're handed, trying to break free.
Here's to those 2am phone calls and tears that can't be wiped away no matter how many tissues you use.
Here's to the hero dying in the end, because she couldn't overcome the evil.
Here's to every oxymoron in the world, and to the unspoken ones and to those who are are oxymoron's themselves.
Here's to Beer and cigarettes on the Back porch
Here's to those valued phone numbers that got lost in the washer, torn into a million little pieces and then later long forgotten.
Here's to sneaking out of the window in your room, careful not to hit the area around that damn tree.

Here's to those two-star hotels and nervous, cold, loving skin brushing together.

Here's to all the unwanted help, and most needed attention

Here's to The heart breakers, but The heartbroken as well.

Here's to those that try their hardest to play piano, but their fingers aren't long enough.

Here's to those that had their hearts ripped from their sleeves.
Here's to those that haven't been honored yet they deserve it more then the others.
Here's to those STILL believing every lie.
Here's to being sick to your stomach just thinking about them loving someone else.
Here's to the pain we hold in every day.
Here's to the hiding and the escaped.
Here's to those who live with a heart that has long since been broken.
Here's to those who live.
Here's to all the "what ifs" and "should haves" and to those wishes that'll never come true.
Here's to all the words you always wanted to say and to the ones we choke on.
Here's to holding your breath in that one perfect moment and being terrified that you'll blink and it will all be gone.
Here's to when it was all gone and you felt like you had nothing left.
Here's to realizing that it was not all your fault.
Here's to those who never got to say Goodbye.
Here's to everything you thought once meant something but it never really did.
Here's to those of us who feel better aching than empty.
Here's to what didn't happen.
Here's to what SHOULD HAVE happened.
Here's to the tomorrows that are just another thing to get through.
Here's to those who are dying to FEEL alive.
Here's to those knowing that relationship may or may not work out, but taking that leap anyway.
Here's to that chaos within us that gave birth to that dancing star.
Here's to those who are sticking your finger down your throat, in hopes that We'll accept you this time
Here's to every tear you've wasted on people who have never showed that they cared.
Here's to sitting and waiting for that phone to ring or buzz.
Here's to being ignored.
Here's to being imperfectly perfect
Here's to finding them, and holding on too tight.
Here's to the notes on your wall that you, yourself write.
Here's to the girl behind the smile.
Here's to the boy that never gets the girl.
And the one who never gets the Boy either.
Here's to those movies and magazines, the ones that make girls stop eating, stop breathing... Straight stop caring.
Here's to wanting to speak the most honest words you have ever spoken in your life, not knowing whether they should bring you closer to living or dying.
Here's to all of us who cry till our eyes dry.
Here's those who fall in love with their dreams, and wake up only to wish to be sleeping again.
Here's to world peace.
Here's to not knowing what's next.
And here's to not wanting to know.
Here's to True Love that's never ignited.
Here's to prose and poetry and those with tender hearts
Here's to those who'll just never get it...
Here's to those who wonder where love starts
Here's to that one person who thinks you're the kindest, sweetest, smartest, and most beautiful person ever.
Here's to that one person who thinks you mean everything.
Here's to losing that one person.
Here's to hearing about the fuck buddies
Here's to having them in your arms again, but knowing it won't last.
Here's to drunken make outs
Here's to not giving a FUCK.
Here's to those nights where you just can't sleep because every word they said to you replays, over and over.
Here's to all the good times, and the bad.
Here's to those morning wake up calls they used to give you
and those "sweet dreams" text messages before you fell asleep.
Here's to the long hugs and cigarette smoke filled shoulders
and those nights on the sidewalk where the two of you, were the two of you again for that second.
Here's to the secrets that no one is supposed to know.
Here's to the girl that puts on that jacket when she's cold
Here's to being the head rest and the hand to hold when they're drunk.
Here's to letting go just as they start to hold on
Here's to the one who says, "No, I don't want to leave you out" and the way they find more meaning in it than there is.
Here's to all the friends in the spotlight and especially the ones who aren't.
Here's to beautiful people who are just beautiful friends.
Here's to the kid sitting in the corner away from the crowd because they just don't "fit in"
And Here's to that same kid that created the crowd in the first place
Here's to the people who constantly want to bring you down because you are successful and they couldn't even come close.
Here's to all those times I wish I had said "no".
Here's to being the passenger.
Here's to that tingly butterfly feeling you get when they're around.
Here's to the night when those feelings changed.
Here's to the broken mirror and the blood on your fist.
Here's to the very.first.kiss.
Here's to eye contact, avoiding it, keeping it, trying to hide it.
Here's to the girl that never gives up.
Here's to the ones that let her give up.
Here's to the naive.
Here's to the swingers, the players, the lovers and haters. for watching each others hearts break.
Here's to the scrawny boy, when he took his first steroid..
Here's to the little girls who look up to their older sisters.
Here's to the older sisters, who look up even more to their little sister.
Here's to teaching yourself how to care, when it's the last thing you wanted to do.
Here's to those ones who still care, reciting promises of forever.
Here's to the grass stains on your elbows from a concert you wished had never ended
Here's to the fish that killed off all the others in the tank and now just wont die.
Here's to new converse.
Here's to being so in love that it fucking scares you.
Here's to the words never spoken this is to the fragile ones and the ones that never let them bruise.
Here's to those who attempt perfect knowing they'll never achieve it.
Here's to those who dwell on the past - who forget to live in the present.
Here's to those who fight for the weak and hopeless.
Here's to those who never give up on their dreams - no matter what.
Here's to the girls who pretend to be super girl, just to hide their pain.
Here's to those who survived and have become stronger, better people.
Here's to the people that don't even have enough time to read this, and expect you to.

Here's to the unwanted, the unexplained and the odd.
This is about the neighbor, the lover, the sister and brother, the old, the young, the loved, the hated, the lost, the found, the one that got away and that catch.
This is about you.

Wow...That was a lot..
Goodbye and Goodnight.
Love Always.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

If you're gunna play in Texas.....


How in the heck has everybody been?!

I've missed you too..And yes I'm alive and doing better then ever actually.

As the Summer of 2007 comes to a slow sad end, With school starting Monday, My hours at the theater coming to a hault and My late nights out becoming shorter and shorter. I've finally realized that I am going to be a Junior in the up coming year and its great.

Did I mention I have met this Amazing girl...She's really something else. Totally different from the rest, yet I really like her. Not to mention the movies I've seen and the people....Wow it's been a blast from the past with all the people I've seen over the last 3 weeks.

So, today I was thinking, (miss hearing that don't cha) I was thinking about how our lives change just as quickly as the TV shows that we watch...Now don't jump the gun and call me crazy...Let me finish.

For example...I watch the show The L Word.

GREAT show. I LOVE it...but you know that. haha. So in the show...Characters come and go as people in our lives do sometimes...One "Season" or Summer they're there, The Next year rolls around that BAM they aren't.

Or the way they wear thier hair has gone from long to short or short to long...Completely different Alice in season 4 then in season 1.

Just like the Neighbor that you don't really know but you wave to on the street anyway, how his beard went from Long ZZ Top wanna be to a clean cut Fonzy.

Take a look around...And tell me that it ISN'T like that...

I better go..I'll try and write a little here like before...

Take care,

This is Jak signing off,

Goodbye and Goodnight,

Love always,
