Saturday, March 3, 2007

I'd rather ride in a Chevy truck then a Ferrari, Give me a cheeseburger I aint eating no Calamari


How are we all doin'? It's about 8 o'clock on this lovely Saturday.

Okay, So I have this thing. I WANT to rob a bank. I don't know why and I am not sure just how I am going to do it. That's all still in thought process. But I know that I want to do it. I doubt that I will ever get a chance to, and I think that the feeling will go away. I don't want the money nor need it, And I definently don't want to hurt anybody. I just want that RUSH.

It all started, a few years ago. My sister asked me what would I do if I had one day left to live. My response. "Rob a bank". It's a secret of mine. Some people get thrills and want to jump out of planes and such. Not me. I want to simply rob a bank.

Okay, enough talk about that. The government is on to us by the way. You know those Safeway, Albertsons, Nob Hill, All those club cards. All tracking devices. And we have our privacy invaded everyday. We just think we don't and most of us are happy that way. They were putting up camaras in our school yesturday and thats when I realized that we are only as free as we think we are. But folks, That's a discussion for another day, and another blog.

I have to get ready for work.

Have a great day. Take care.

This is Jak signing off.

Goodbye and Good Day.

Love Always,


Thursday, March 1, 2007

Girl my love for you is like that......Built to last....

So tonight, I thought we could discuss the issue of "Regret". Let's play a little of Would you rather. Now, Would you rather regret not doing something that you wanted to, or would you rather doing it and the out come whatever it may be.
Personally, I would hate to regret wanting to do something and not doing it. For whatever reason. I think it would be a whole lot easier to live with whatever out come opposed to not doing it and wishin' I had.
What does regret mean to you? When you think regret what comes to mind? Or what do you feel?
When I hear regret I get a guilty feeling. I don't know of what. But, that's because I think that everything happens for a reason.
By Websters definition: Regret;Verb- 1:Sorrow aroused by circumstances beyond one's control or power to repair 2 a: An expression of distressing emotion
So, by that definition I can identify with the second one. Do you think that regret can be a powerful feeling? Or result of an event? There are times that I say things and I think to myself, "Why did I just say that?", or "Couldn't I have said it differently?"
I guess those are regrets. I know that we've all been there when we say things and just wished that we kept our mouth shut. It was an unnecessary comment or reaction to a situation. Simple things like that, and you're kicking yourself for sticking your foot in your mouth. Ever had a time where you did something, Woke up the next morning going, "Oh crap, I can't believe I just did that."
There's been a few times that I've done that. But, you know what I find funny. That old saying, Time heals all wounds. I find this one to be true, as time passes I see that things aren't as bad as I had once thought. And with time everything seems to fall into place. There is a time when you think that things couldn't get worse and then they do and one day things just do a 360 and all of the sudden you can breath again and nothing is as bad as it seemed.
Is that regret? I still can not figure it out. Does everyone experience it in there own way?
I think so. Or something to that effect anyway.
There goes my mind again. Well ladies, It's getting late, Which means it is Jak's time to wrap up and wind down.
This cowboy is hanging up her hat for the evening, Which one of you cowgirls wants to accompany me? =]
That's right.
Well folks, Take it easy. Take care.
This is Jak signing off.
Goodbye and Goodnight.
Love Always,

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

I'm just a small town girl....And that's all I'll ever be.

Okay, So I'm not a small town girl. I actually live in a big city. And in one of the biggest states.
Ah...I know, I said that we would talk about my obsession with Robbing a Bank. But I want to talk about something else right now. I want to talk about something, That I know a lot of people think about.
With a show of hands, who here has ever sat down on afternoon like today and felt so frustrated with the fact that you feel so out of place. Almost like everyone around you is insane, uptight, moody, fake, plastic, annoying, and then there's your best friend. And let me tell you. I don't have many friends, let alone best friends. Needless to say, I don't think that I belong in a city. I have this hunch and strong will that one day, I will live in a town where you don't need a map. Shoooot, It won't even be on a map.;) Now, I have not yet fully planned out how this will happen. I know what I would like to do with my future, the problem is fitting it all in and not getting bored is another trick. Ah It's all so mind boggling. So I am going to say that I just want to change.
CHANGE = New state.
I love the thought and the count down 'till I am so legal and free. Free as in the state of mind thing. And legal as in, Well you know...... =] LEGAL. No more Jail bate Jak. And on that note.
For all of you that care go to: Read around, check it out, have a brain full it won't hurt you. And I would like to die of natural causes. And on THAT note. I am going to go to bed at this time.
Take care. Have a GREAT night or day.
This is Jak signing off.
Goodbye and Goodnight.
Love Always,

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Cold winds. Hot Girls. Can Summer Love Survive?

The date? Is unimportant. The Weather? A bit nippleE and dark. The Mood? Set.
How are you doin'? What was the highlight of your day? Today was another day. And I had weights after school. And I came home. Did the usual. Which reminds me, Ever feel like we are all just in one big routine. Like we do the same things, Over and Over and Over again.
You wake up at the same time every morning. To hop into that same shower, just to slip into those same clothes that you have worn once, twice, or plenty of times before. You continue to that same job or school that you have been at over the last few years. Only to travel the same halls. Or the same roads. All for what?! That same dollar you are chasing? Or that same locker you have to open? That same desk? Only to get out when the bell rings, or the clock hits 5. So you can go home. Then what? Shower, snack, read, Homework, nap, or other various things. Why the routine? And what are we waiting for? The weekend? To do what exactly? Wait for a phone call or txt message. Go to a movie? Maybe work.
Sorry. Now I know I am ranting on and on here. But really. Think about it. Why must we park in the same spot in our same cars only to walk into the same stores. Continuously.
Crazy huh?
I know, My mind goes off into little spins and worlds of its own.
Looks like I am going to be going to bed.
Until next time, We will talk about My obsession with robbing a bank.
This is Jak Signing off.
Take care.
Goodbye and Goodnight.
Love Always,