How have you been? I've missed you. It's Sunday night, the last few hours of spring break. I don't have much to say because while I was bored a few minutes ago I filled out this survey.
1. Besides your family, name the people you hung out with.
Greg, Alycia, Viv, Diane, Tina, Steven, Jeff, Peter, and there's more i'm sure
4. Do any Partying?
Oh yeah.
5. Sneak out?
Only one night
6. Pig out?
No. I ate a lot of garbage tho.
7. Did you go a day with out makeup?
I did! I don't wear any. =D
8. Did you get any makeovers/haircuts?
No...I was going to but I couldn't get it shaved off!
9. Did you spend any quality time with your family?
Hahaha....My "Family" sure....
10. Meet anyone new?
I did. My friends family. and A girl.
11. Change your myspace song?
I was hardly on myspace.
12. Get grounded?
Nope. got off grounding tho.
13. Fight with your parents about doing something?
14. Did you spend more than 2 hours total on Myspace?
15. Did you have any sleepovers?
16. Hangout with someone you normally dont?
I did. A few. =D
17. Eat out atleast once a day?
No but a few times a week.
18. Get any tanner?
OHHH yeah!
19. Get sunburnt?
20. Do any homework?
No hahahaha
Over spring break have you :
gotten drunk?
done drugs?
been to a party?
A little get together
stayed up all night ?
All morning. like 1 or 2
Thrown a party?
Nope. Im not big on lots of people.
dropped your cell phone in something ?
No haha my pocket
seen your best friend?
Of course, I see her almost everyday
hurt anyone?
found something new out ?
I did. I'm talented. =p
been in a car ?
Haha yeah
Yeahhhhhh a ton
done something you regret ?
I don't regret anything, Ever
And that's the story of my life. It is only 10 o'clock. But I have to go to school tomorrow and get back into the groove of school. WOO HOO.
Oh, and if you get a chance go and download the song "The night Before [Life goes on]" By Carrie Underwood [[My Wife, yes]] That's the at the moment song that is on repeat on my Ipod. Woot Woot. And Book? Just finished, What ever happend to Lani Garver. That's right.
And with that....
Cyanide & Happiness @ Explosm.net
Take care.
Have a Great night.
I love you.
Goodbye and Goodnight.
Love Always,
Have a good week if I don't get a chance to write here. I do have work and practice this week.
I will write you something better. I promise.
Woman...I just had spring break too. But over here its not that great. California is probably better huh?
LOL actually babe,
It isn't all that cool. I mean it's fun out here. But it gets old just like everything else.
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