How are you? What's on your mind?
Okay, I'll share first. I had a dream last night. It was a dream of me and you. And we were laying in the grass, It was a warm summer night. and the sun was setting and we were talking. Life felt good. It felt right. Normal. Calm. Take any positive descriptive word and *insert here*. That's what it felt like....That's when I woke up, with a smile on my face. And I was so disappointed to look around and not see you. Then to realize that it was 430 in the morning. But, It made me have a good day, that feeling lingered. It was really nice. I felt so content, even as I write this.
Anyhow, It's FRIDAY!! WooHoo! I forgot to celebrate the weekend with you last Friday, So here's a second WooHoo! =] Make it a good one. I know they come around every 5 days. But I can't help but feel so happy for the lousy 2 and a half days to fill with mindless laughter, heartfelt moments, smiles a mile wide, on-going flirtation, and of course. The L Word. Oh and friends. Haha =] That's what I'm talking about.
Share these moments with me?
After a night of work, I am going to go to bed. Its late. So take care.
Like always, Have a GREAT weekend.
This is Jak signing off.
Goodbye and Goodnight.
Love Always,