1. last beverage: Milk
2. last phone call: Kassia
3. last instant message: My friend Christy over in Texas.
5. last time you cried: Uhh..Probably about a week or two ago.
6. last text message: A friend of mine.
1. dated someone twice: Nope.
2. been cheated on?: No
3. kissed someone & regretted it?: Umm. No
4. lost someone special?: I guess
5. been depressed: No Im usually cool
6. been drunk: Only once. And I'd like to keep it like that
1. Green
2. Blue
3. Orange
1. Made a new friend?:Yeah a couple.
2. Fallen out of love?:Not just yet
3. Laughed until you cried?:Oh yeah.
4. Met someone who changed your life?:Everyday
5. Found out who your true friends were?:I only have a few anyway
6. Is there something you want to tell someone?:Yes very much so
7. Would you kiss anyone of your friends?:Just a choice few
9. How many kids do you want to have?:6 or none
10. Do you have any pets?:Yeah
11. Do you wanna change your name?:Yeah, But I've already sucessfully done that. Jak.
12. What did you do for your last birthday?:Went to San Fran in a limo. It was a BLAST I have to say I love my friends and all that were there
13. What time did you wake up today?:7:00am
14. What were you doing at midnight last night?Sleeping like a baby
15. Name something you CANNOT wait for?SUMMERTIME
16. Last time you saw your father?:feburary 3rd
17. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life?I would say age, but this woman I know would tell me to stop wishing my life away.
18. What are you listening to right now?:When you gonna give it up to me.
19. Have you ever talked to a Tom?No
20. Have you ever talked about someone behind their back?Nothing I havent said to thier face. That shits stupid.
21. What's the last piece of clothing you borrowed from anyone?Probably those boxers, yeah those ones. POW, baby
22. Who's getting on your nerves right now?No one right now
23. Most visited webpage?:My daily lesbian moments, YahooNews, Post Secret
24. Coke or Pepsi?:Dr. Pepper
25. Have you kissed or been kissed by anyone in the past week?No sadly
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Thursday, March 22, 2007
So I told you that I was happy for you...And givin' the chance, I'd lie again. Just to see you smile..

How are you doing today? I am well. My brain is mush, my hands are sore and my head and eye lids are heavy. So, I won't be writing much tonight. I am just hear to tell you that I came in first in shot put today. Many of you have been asking me how my track meets are going and I have to tell you I am grateful for the concern and interest. I have placed second in my last 2 meets and this was a record breaking throw of 35 feet 5 inches. Personal best and that is ALL that matters. Not to mention, I've been having so much fun. Life is good. Track is fun, school is going great, and work is good. I came to realize that today as I sat outside at lunch today. I honestly, have a really decent life. I can't complain.
The title of this blog comes from a song, in case you were wondering, It's: Just to see you smile. Tim McGraw.
And really, Just to see you smile, I'd do anything.
Jak is one tired cowboy, I will catch up with you folks tomorrow? ITS FRIDAY! Thank someone. They know how to treat me right. And on that.
Take care of yourself.
This is Jak Signing off.
Goodbye and Goodnight.
Love Always,
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
I wanna be the kind of woman your mama warned you about...
Today I was asked, Whats your status? At first I didn't realize that I was being hit on. So I simply stated, "Single". Oh. My. Big MISTAKE.
WARNING: When you think that its an innocent question, think again.
Never tell an interested girl that you have no interest in that you are single. It's all bad. I regret saying it. Honestly, I know I'm single but I should have said married. I was also thinking about the type of woman I want. And it's very hard in this era to find what I am looking for.
Like I said up there, I wanna be the kind of woman your mama warned you about.
Let's start from top to bottom.
Hair: Long or short. Light, perferably blonde.
Eyes: Any light color perferably, Blue or Green.
Smile: Often.
Tongue: I have this thing for tongues. I love them. Anyone will do.
Piercings: Ah, That stuff doesn't bother me. I think it's all good.
Hands: Soft, but the kind you know that they are a worker.
Arms: That doesn't matter to me.
BOOBS: A handful. Nice round and all up in my....kidding.
Sex: Yes. Hot and Often. Oh, wait. Female, please. =]
Legs: Oh, This is where all the fantasies are made. Those legs. MMmmM
Feet: I don't care. Although I like feet. So probably cute.
Seems like I'm at the end of looks.
This girl in my dreams, is one that will let me take care of her. And will take care of me. mentally, physically, emotionally, and of course sexually. [[Hey, we all have our needs.]]
HA. A woman that is older then me is greatly appreciated. Shorter, please. Care-free and serious. Totally spontaneous. One who likes to help bring home the bacon. And we could always share the pants. A beautiful soul and intelligent mind to match that heart of hers. The woman who knows exactly what I need and want and know how to give it to me.
This girl, the one from my dreams. You know her. I've introduced you a few times now.
See this is who I'm married to.
The next time I get asked if I'm single, I have a new answer.
Score. LOL. Well, I shall go meet her in my dreams.
Take care.
Talk later? I promise to share my dreams.
This is Jak Signing off.
Goodbye and Goodnight.
Love Always,
Today I was asked, Whats your status? At first I didn't realize that I was being hit on. So I simply stated, "Single". Oh. My. Big MISTAKE.
WARNING: When you think that its an innocent question, think again.
Never tell an interested girl that you have no interest in that you are single. It's all bad. I regret saying it. Honestly, I know I'm single but I should have said married. I was also thinking about the type of woman I want. And it's very hard in this era to find what I am looking for.
Like I said up there, I wanna be the kind of woman your mama warned you about.
Let's start from top to bottom.
Hair: Long or short. Light, perferably blonde.
Eyes: Any light color perferably, Blue or Green.
Smile: Often.
Tongue: I have this thing for tongues. I love them. Anyone will do.
Piercings: Ah, That stuff doesn't bother me. I think it's all good.
Hands: Soft, but the kind you know that they are a worker.
Arms: That doesn't matter to me.
BOOBS: A handful. Nice round and all up in my....kidding.
Sex: Yes. Hot and Often. Oh, wait. Female, please. =]
Legs: Oh, This is where all the fantasies are made. Those legs. MMmmM
Feet: I don't care. Although I like feet. So probably cute.
Seems like I'm at the end of looks.
This girl in my dreams, is one that will let me take care of her. And will take care of me. mentally, physically, emotionally, and of course sexually. [[Hey, we all have our needs.]]
HA. A woman that is older then me is greatly appreciated. Shorter, please. Care-free and serious. Totally spontaneous. One who likes to help bring home the bacon. And we could always share the pants. A beautiful soul and intelligent mind to match that heart of hers. The woman who knows exactly what I need and want and know how to give it to me.
This girl, the one from my dreams. You know her. I've introduced you a few times now.
See this is who I'm married to.
The next time I get asked if I'm single, I have a new answer.
Score. LOL. Well, I shall go meet her in my dreams.
Take care.
Talk later? I promise to share my dreams.
This is Jak Signing off.
Goodbye and Goodnight.
Love Always,
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Praying for love and a lap dance......
How are you today? Today was a looong drawn out day, wet, cold, and just nasty. What's there to talk about? Sure its Tuesday, But I'm wishing it was Thursday or Friday. Ever have a thought, where the things around you feel so fake. Where you go around questioning EVERYTHING? For instance, Today, I was staring out the window listening to my Ipod [[No that's not what I do ALL day]] and the cameras that I was talking about a few weeks ago caught my eye. Then this very thought popped into my head, "What's the point in those cameras when we don't even have decent world history books?" This deep thought was rudely interrupted with, "Oh. My. God. Is that Tiffany's???" A shriek that I could do without. Which was followed by a groan by me. I couldn't believe that people don't care. They don't care that we have to follow such strict rules, Come on now. I understand that there is a slight problem with Graffiti but why do they have to punish the rest of us? I was completely appalled by the fact that I can't even walk out of any of my classes without knowing that at one point I, as a non-criminal American Citizen, am being watch, and once again, my algebra 2 book is ancient and falling apart page by page. I was only further frustrated as I continued my day. Watching my fellow peers throw their trash on the ground when the garbage can is LESS then TWO feet away. TWO feet!!!! That's it. They even set up recycling cans up for us to throw our plastic and aluminum in. Not to mention the numerous times that I was bumped into today without a; I'm sorry, Excuse me or Can I get by? NOTHING. Just pushed right passed me. By the 3rd time I was so sick of saying Excuse you I just moved where I was standing. And I was completely disgusted in my own damn generation. Now is that really necessary? I can see why many think that we are not a respectable part of society. I, personally, don't like to be grouped as the technology generation. I know, I know. "Jak", you're young. But hey, I have dreams. And I'm pretty old fashioned. [[When it comes to somethings =) ]] I enjoy the very simple things in life, I like paying when I go out on a date, I like opening the door for a woman, I get a kick out of a clear night, I love working for my money and hate when things are just handed to me. I love woman of independence, brains, and a sense of humor. I can't stand this new "emo" thing going on. Honestly, if your that sad, instead of killing your liver or slitting your wrists' why don't you just talk to someone. Everyone has it bad one way or another, get over yourself. There are plenty of teenagers out there that have it 10 times worse then you do, but day to day they continue to pull through and go about their day with nobody knowing that anything is wrong. They always become some of the best doctors, lawyers, teachers, and parents that anyone could imagine. So just snap out of it, realize that LIFE GOES ON. The world still spins round and the pages keep turning. Also, if you want to be treated with even half the respect that you think you should be handed, grow up just a little. At least to the point where you know there's more then just you in this world. Please, when you guys realize that, call me.
Anyhow, As I wait for the Apocalypse I think I will go read my book and start drifting off into a world like no other.
My home. Dream land. Life as I know it, and the people there completely understand me.
Take care of yourself.
This is Jak signing off.
Goodbye and Good Night.
Love Always,
How are you today? Today was a looong drawn out day, wet, cold, and just nasty. What's there to talk about? Sure its Tuesday, But I'm wishing it was Thursday or Friday. Ever have a thought, where the things around you feel so fake. Where you go around questioning EVERYTHING? For instance, Today, I was staring out the window listening to my Ipod [[No that's not what I do ALL day]] and the cameras that I was talking about a few weeks ago caught my eye. Then this very thought popped into my head, "What's the point in those cameras when we don't even have decent world history books?" This deep thought was rudely interrupted with, "Oh. My. God. Is that Tiffany's???" A shriek that I could do without. Which was followed by a groan by me. I couldn't believe that people don't care. They don't care that we have to follow such strict rules, Come on now. I understand that there is a slight problem with Graffiti but why do they have to punish the rest of us? I was completely appalled by the fact that I can't even walk out of any of my classes without knowing that at one point I, as a non-criminal American Citizen, am being watch, and once again, my algebra 2 book is ancient and falling apart page by page. I was only further frustrated as I continued my day. Watching my fellow peers throw their trash on the ground when the garbage can is LESS then TWO feet away. TWO feet!!!! That's it. They even set up recycling cans up for us to throw our plastic and aluminum in. Not to mention the numerous times that I was bumped into today without a; I'm sorry, Excuse me or Can I get by? NOTHING. Just pushed right passed me. By the 3rd time I was so sick of saying Excuse you I just moved where I was standing. And I was completely disgusted in my own damn generation. Now is that really necessary? I can see why many think that we are not a respectable part of society. I, personally, don't like to be grouped as the technology generation. I know, I know. "Jak", you're young. But hey, I have dreams. And I'm pretty old fashioned. [[When it comes to somethings =) ]] I enjoy the very simple things in life, I like paying when I go out on a date, I like opening the door for a woman, I get a kick out of a clear night, I love working for my money and hate when things are just handed to me. I love woman of independence, brains, and a sense of humor. I can't stand this new "emo" thing going on. Honestly, if your that sad, instead of killing your liver or slitting your wrists' why don't you just talk to someone. Everyone has it bad one way or another, get over yourself. There are plenty of teenagers out there that have it 10 times worse then you do, but day to day they continue to pull through and go about their day with nobody knowing that anything is wrong. They always become some of the best doctors, lawyers, teachers, and parents that anyone could imagine. So just snap out of it, realize that LIFE GOES ON. The world still spins round and the pages keep turning. Also, if you want to be treated with even half the respect that you think you should be handed, grow up just a little. At least to the point where you know there's more then just you in this world. Please, when you guys realize that, call me.
Anyhow, As I wait for the Apocalypse I think I will go read my book and start drifting off into a world like no other.
My home. Dream land. Life as I know it, and the people there completely understand me.
Take care of yourself.
This is Jak signing off.
Goodbye and Good Night.
Love Always,
Sunday, March 18, 2007
It was one big party, but the papers called it paying our dues.

How are you this morning? It's Sunday, yet again. Another day of work. But today it should go by quick. Then later tonight I will most likely just put on my PJ's and read.
Enough about that, What do you want to talk about? Seen any good movies lately? Yeah, me neither. Oh, Wait. Yes I have. 300! Oh. My. Gosh. That is a GREAT movie. Blood, killing, honor, respect, more blood, It's AWESOME. Now, I don't recommend it for children under 15 just because of all the blood, But other then that, Everyone should see it. And...What else is out? Oh, The Number 23. It was actually pretty good. I liked it. I don't know if I would have casted Jim Carey, then again, I'm not a director. Um....I have still yet to see the movie Bridge To Terabithia.
Movies coming out on DVD to not miss:
The Pursuit of Happyness - Will Smith and his son do an OUTSTANDING job in this one. Really, Don't miss this. It's filled with laughter, pain, tears, hardship, and Happyness.
The Holiday - This is the one with Cameron Diaz, Jack Black, and Jude Law. With a hilarious cast and a cute little story. It's corny and well made. It really is a good one. Rent, buy, just watch it. I promise you wont be disappointed.
Casion Royal- If you're a James Bond fan, you may be disappointed. Since I'm not, I was entertained by this one. Lots of action and some laughs. It's a good action film.
And that about wraps up my Movie Review. I'm the Real Jak str8 from Hollywood.
Alright I'm going to go and get ready.
This is Jak signing off.
Goodbye and Good Day.
Love Always,
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