As the evening comes to an end I took a good long look around and I had this feeling. That one that you get when you have an itch and you just convince yourself that ONE DAY, one day, it'll all just happen. And I couldn't help but smile. I'm sure you've all read my One day blog on my previous blog. No? Well, let me re-post it for you here.
So let me tell you a little story about this blog....
Once upon a time....Kidding. So, every time I talk about the future, or things that I desire to do, I always say, "Oh one day", or "One day I'll do that", Things like that. So *Jak*, I, Got this brilliant idea, I'll just make a list. Of all the "One Day's"...So here I go...
1. Travel to New York.
2. Go to Paris.
3. Have sex outside.
4. Ride a train in Europe.
5. Go to Texas.
6. Rob a Bank. [[Okay, maybe not]]
7. Spend some time as a Hippie.
8. Protest against at least *one* thing in my life time.
9. Go to the Grand Canyon before I reach the age of 23*.
10. Find True Love.
11. Have six children. [[When I am able to support them all.]]
12. Convince half of everyone I meet that my name is really, Jak. [[With out a "C"]]
13. Backpack through Europe.
14. Cuddle under the stars in the back of a pick-up.
15. Live where no one can find me for a month.
16. Chase the sun.
17. Learn to Line Dance.[[Yee Haw]]
18. Cut my hair no longer then an Inch, And then dye it Blue.
19. Get my tongue PIERCED. [[COMPLETED 02/03/07....That's right...I have my tongue done.]]
20. Send in a POST SECRET. [[without telling my sisters what it is first.]] [[Completed 01/04/07]]
21. Meet Carrie Underwood. Have sex with her the same night.
22. Also have sex with, and meet Rachel Mcadams
23. [[Shooooot, Have a three-some!]] With the 2 lovely ladies above.
24. Take a candle lit bath with that someone
25. Kiss someone so passionately, That I make thier head spin.
26. Shower in a Waterfall.
27. Go Ice skating, on a frozen lake.
28. Donate Blood. [[Without the fear of the needle.]]
29. See the Northern Lights.
30. Ask a complete stranger to dance. [[Without any music.]]
31. Own a Flannel shirt.[[COMPLETED 12/24/06]]
32. Take a flight in a Hot Air Baloon
33. Make my own fire at the beach
34. Go to the Gay Pride Parade In: SF & NY
35. Kiss my lover goodnight in Paris.
36. Go to a strip club. [[Just to Dance the Macarana]]
37. Learn how to snowboard. Without an instructor.
38. Do nothing but read ALL Saturday long.
39. Date someone purely for the sex [[ With them knowing]]
40. [Take my sister] To clean up the highway.
41. Kiss my Lover in the pouring rain.
42. Go on a road trip. [[With no destination, but plenty of money to spend]]
43. Sleep under the stars.
44. Have sex at an office or in an elevator.
45. Refer to myself in 3rd person [[All Day]]
46. Watch a childs eyes light up with happiness.
47. Dance like a fool without a care in the world. [[Or about whos watching]]
48. Get so drunk that I don't remember anything the next day.
49. Watch the sunrise and sunset [[On the same day.]]
50. Hear the words "I Iove you" and say them back with really meaning it.
51. Make-out with someone in an elevator. [[Completed 4/7/07]]
52. Try scuba diving.
53. See a play on *Broadway*
54. Skinny dip at mid-night.
55. Ditch work to watch movies all day.
56. Leave a 3 minute phone message with no real meaning for someone.
57. Go to a life support meeting. [[for no reason but to support.]]
58. Live in North Carolina, at least for a year.
59. Visit every single state in the U.S.
60. Send everyone a Valentines day card on Christmas.
61. Learn to Tango.
62. Own an orange Tabby cat. [[Named 'Kodie']]
63. Celebrate Christmas and actually enjoy it.
64. Make every decision using only my "gut" instinct.
65. Be a "boy" all day.
66. Give every homeless person I see 5$.
67. Meet a REAL Cowboy.
68. Go to a gay bar.
69. Forget regret.
70. Toss a Quarter into a fountain...And make a Wish. [[Completed. 01/08/07]]
71. Own a house that I am proud to call a HOME.
72. Purpose to spend the rest of my life with someone, Not marriage*.
73. Become a kindergarten teacher [[With a degree in psychology]].
74. Make peace with an enemy.
75. Know the meaning of LIFE.
76. Spend ALL day walking on the Beach.
77. Go on a picnic.
78. Get a tattoo.
79. Tell a stranger he/she has a gorgeous smile [[Completed. 12/31/06]]
80. Go to time square for New Years.
81. Attempt a poem.
82. Plant a tree.
83. Recycle! [[with caring.]] [[Completed. 1/07/07]]
84. See all your dreams come true.
85. Streaking with Kassia.
86. Picking up chicks with Peter. [Attempted. And didn't fail horribly...Just the age thing...Women. 03/24/07]
.........*To Be Continued.*.............
There's more I know but this is what I have come up with over the last Few days. Enjoy.
I promise to finish. [[....One day ]]
Take care ya'll. This is Jak, signing off.
Goodbye and Goodnight.
Love always,
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