I was just wondering, When is the age or even the moment when you go from being kids to being something else? Some people say that we're growing up too fast these days and I have to agree, when did 13 become the new 15 and when did 18 turn 21? Sometimes, adults make it sound like it's our fault, or at least our choice. But how can we not? We feel invincible. We know so much. Or feel and think we do. But one thing I don't know is why we're so eager to lose our innocence and I seriously wonder, if One day.. we'll look back and wish we hadn't...just wish we had taken those days and enjoyed every minute of freedom. Looking back, will we be sad that all those carefree days were rushed and came all too fast. When we're old and bitter with the government and taxes just around the corner, those kids at daycare, and our boss' breathing down our necks...Will we want those boring summer days back?
I think so. I reallllly Think that we are moving way too fast and at times not fast enough...I am glad for every extra minute I have and annoyed by the boring ones. It'll balance out right? I sure hope so...
Anyhow, that's what I was thinking about today....And with that, Have a great night and day.
This is Jak signing off.
Goodbye and Goodnight.
Love always,
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Your probably on your flight back to your hometown....

How are you? It's Thursday I believe? Love the summertime and all that entails.
How are you? It's Thursday I believe? Love the summertime and all that entails.
So today I was thinking, as usual, and I have to admit, No one ever said that life would be fair or easy. They never promised that it would that fairytale we are all hoping for.They never even said that moments you wanted to last forever would. No matter how hard you wish for it to. Then you grow up to realize that people who once said they cared, never really did, and that people who once made you the happiest are now the ones who make you cry. And You also realize that no matter how much you yourself care about someone they'll shove it right in your face. You can't make someone love you, and you realize that [you would be better off not falling in love in the first place]. It hurts and it's an expirence that after the first time you never want to happen again, but deep down you know that it will and your hoping that it will end up better then the last time. Then finally, You realize that kisses don't always have to mean something, those promises can be broken just as easily as they are made, and sometimes goodbyes really are forever. Treating others the way you want to be treated is a great way to live and remember that everything does come back around.
So, you really do have to take the good with the bad and the happy with the sad. In the End we all want the same thing. That person to love, that sane state of mind, the breath in our lungs, and the sun on our face.
Life is one big mystery to me. If I had the chance to change mine, I wouldn't. I know that there's better years ahead and a much much bigger world.
Smile when you don't want to, laugh when you shouldn't, raise hell, and live life. They say you only get one right? =)
Have a great day. And Night.
This is Jak Signing off.
Goodbye and Good Evening.
Love Always,
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
They say life is so much sweeter through the telephoto and the fame...

How are you doing?
How was your first week of Summer vacation for those of you out of school, and how was work those of you not in school, and for the retired ones, Living well?
Hope all is well with everyone out there. Sorry for the slow reply to the emails and the lack of blogging. I went camping last weekend and it was a blast, also this next week in supposed to be going out of town again so I won't be here for a few days. I thought that I would write a little here.
I've been looking at music videos yesterday and today and I came across this really cute version of 'Girlfriend' By Avril Lavign. Go to It is hilarious, with a lesbian twist of course. And the beautiful, talanted and young woman who did that is Amy Mcclung. She is funny and all of her videos are worth the few minutes or seconds. So take some time and check those out as well.
Then there is my personal favorite of Country of course and I found these videos on Yahoo! Music, very entertaining. 'Guys like Me' Eric Church. And 'Famous in a Small Town' Miranda Lambert. That's some good stuff. I love it.
I better get going. I am supposed to walk the tracks with a buddy of mine.
Until next time,
This is Jak signing off.
Goodbye and Goodnight.
I love you.
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