How ya been? =]
I've been well. Very well actually. It was a lovely weekend with little work and even less drama on this end.
Enough about that crap.
Title of this blog: Boxers. Briefs. Commando?
I decided to name the blog this because too many times I am asked to pull up my pants. But why? I like my boxers and what if I want to show them off? I mean there are people out there who literally wear a string and call it clothes why can't I have my pants hanging off? Come on now. Here's the part of the blog where most of you are going..."Oh Jak, you're one of them...." I am, I'm that teenager who goes walking past you and you take one look at me and judge. That thought that crosses your mind as "Why can't they pull up their pants.", "That's so trashy." "What's the point in that?" Or my personal favorite "Want a belt?"
No, I don't want a damn belt. You think I don't know that's what they make them for? I'm a pretty good kid, not in any trouble with the law, I'm on the chubby side but that's not a crime, I have a little job, I do my chores(for the most part), I have decent grades and I LOVE to wear my pants hanging off. Judge me. I dare you. Your loss.
Okay seriously now, I just do it to spite the older folks around me who can't stand it. I love how they get all ruffled. Whether its in a good or a bad way. It's hilarious. I think as of today I just might pull up my pants a little and wear a belt every now and then. Don't worry, I don't show much skin on a first date. =]
Do what do you like to wear or not wear. Ya know, whatever flips your skirt. Me? I like boxers over briefs and briefs over commando. [In the day time ;)] And on my lady? Want to know a little secret? I love a women in boxers. I think its hotttttttt. But hey commando works to. But first and for most, whatever makes her comfortable. But who doesn't LOVE a lady in boxers. MmmM.
With the weekend coming to an abrupt end. I want to wish you a good week if I don't get a chance to write here later. It's going to be another long one with Finals for track and babysitting. All that good stuff, ya know. =D
Remind me later I have some exciting news about the summer, okay? Okay.
This is Jak signing off.
Goodbye and Goodnight.
Love Always,