How are you doing?
How was your first week of Summer vacation for those of you out of school, and how was work those of you not in school, and for the retired ones, Living well?
Hope all is well with everyone out there. Sorry for the slow reply to the emails and the lack of blogging. I went camping last weekend and it was a blast, also this next week in supposed to be going out of town again so I won't be here for a few days. I thought that I would write a little here.
I've been looking at music videos yesterday and today and I came across this really cute version of 'Girlfriend' By Avril Lavign. Go to http://www.blueproductions.com/ It is hilarious, with a lesbian twist of course. And the beautiful, talanted and young woman who did that is Amy Mcclung. She is funny and all of her videos are worth the few minutes or seconds. So take some time and check those out as well.
Then there is my personal favorite of Country of course and I found these videos on Yahoo! Music, very entertaining. 'Guys like Me' Eric Church. And 'Famous in a Small Town' Miranda Lambert. That's some good stuff. I love it.
I better get going. I am supposed to walk the tracks with a buddy of mine.
Until next time,
This is Jak signing off.
Goodbye and Goodnight.
I love you.
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