How in the heck has everybody been?!
I've missed you too..And yes I'm alive and doing better then ever actually.
As the Summer of 2007 comes to a slow sad end, With school starting Monday, My hours at the theater coming to a hault and My late nights out becoming shorter and shorter. I've finally realized that I am going to be a Junior in the up coming year and its great.
Did I mention I have met this Amazing girl...She's really something else. Totally different from the rest, yet I really like her. Not to mention the movies I've seen and the people....Wow it's been a blast from the past with all the people I've seen over the last 3 weeks.
So, today I was thinking, (miss hearing that don't cha) I was thinking about how our lives change just as quickly as the TV shows that we watch...Now don't jump the gun and call me crazy...Let me finish.
For example...I watch the show The L Word.
GREAT show. I LOVE it...but you know that. haha. So in the show...Characters come and go as people in our lives do sometimes...One "Season" or Summer they're there, The Next year rolls around that BAM they aren't.
Or the way they wear thier hair has gone from long to short or short to long...Completely different Alice in season 4 then in season 1.
Just like the Neighbor that you don't really know but you wave to on the street anyway, how his beard went from Long ZZ Top wanna be to a clean cut Fonzy.
Take a look around...And tell me that it ISN'T like that...
I better go..I'll try and write a little here like before...
Take care,
This is Jak signing off,
Goodbye and Goodnight,
Love always,
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