How are you? I'm doing great. I can't believe that it's been over a week since I've written here. To tell you the truth I shouldn't even be writting here now, I have homework to be doing...But I figured I could take 10 maybe 20 minutes out of my day to write...And here I am.
What is new in the world? How has everyone been? Good? Great? Bad?..I hope not. How about all you mothers/grandmothers out there? A good mothers day, I hope. I personally can not stand the holidays including this lame hallmark one. I refuse to be another link in the chain. Hallmark will not steal my soul. =] And on an even better note..Kind of. I have like a million things to be doing this week. Including a concert and Prom. 2007. What a school year so far..And guess what! Its almost over!I know you know what that means....SUMMER 2007. BRING. IT. ON. I really feel as tho this summer will be a great turning point in my life. And I can not wait.
And on another note. I have to get going...to start a very very busy week.
Here's to a good week and even better weekend.
I love you.
This is Jak signing off.
Goodbye and Good Evening.
Love always,
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