It's Sunday yet again. Anyone break out of routine? Oh I did! *Raises Hand*
That's right. Jak stepped out of the safety zone and into the arms of another female. Okay, I didn't. I just tripped and my lips fell on hers. Although, It wasn't what I was looking for but it was a change. And change is good, right? *All shake heads yes*
Good, Glad to see that you agree.
So, tonight. I was wondering if you have ever had this experience. Ready?
The one. The only feeling. Jealousy. That's right.
You know that feeling don't ya?
I do. And personally, I can not stand it. I hate the feeling of my heart aching. I hate the fact that I even care. I hate the way I get so uncomfortable. I hate knowing that I can have someone else easily, and I am still stuck on you. I hate the way it feels wanting you. And yet, sadly, I'm still In Love with You. So much, that nobody else can compare. And I hate it.
You know what tho. Everything is okay. =]! I think that one day I will have an answer to all the madness. You know, like where those socks go when they go missing from the dryer. Or why things make that clicking sound when they get hot. Even, Why old women are drawn to the blue eye shadow. One day, I will have these answers. And I am not guaranteeing that it will lead to happiness or anything. I'm just warning, I mean letting you know, that I will have the answers one day.
So cowgirl, Wanna ride?
I'll be in my dreams. Meet me. I'll wait for you.
Deal? Deal.
Okay folks.
This is Jak signing off.
Goodbye and Goodnight.
Love Always,
*sigh* life...
when you find the answer to all the madness, let me know... heh...
I'll be your cowgirl, Jak...But I have this feeling you already have someone in mind.
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