Monday, February 19, 2007

Then she gave me a Come and Get Me Grin....


What a beautiful, stunning, thoughtful...Okay, Just What a night. A night to remember? No. An eventful night? No. But, I just have this feeling of..What a night. Is it just me again or is there times when you just feel that for a split second, Just a second, that everything in the world is OK. Not great. Not perfect. Just, OK.

Ah, Enough of that. I bought myself M&M's today. A bag of ALL green ones.And, I wasn't going to write tonight on account of the lack of words. So, I will go to bed and think up a good topic for tomorrow yeah? and give you the best writing I can give you. =] Deal?
Now, Have a good one. And I mean it.

Take care.

This is Jak signing off.

Goodbye and Goodnight.

Love Always,

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